Monday, June 22, 2009

The beginning of the craft room cabinet installation....
hiding in the play room storage areas


l.o.v.e. it !!

house progress

The cement board siding is slooooooowly going up on the dormers

All the rooms (except my craft room) have a coat of paint on them. The ceilings are double coated>>>>

heeeee heeeee heeeee. "Mighty Aphrodite" was a littttttllllle tooooo purple. We are toning that down to "Grape Ice". It is Fin's room, it truly is purple and would have been totally cute all dolled up, but her daddy, my loving hubby, couldn't quite take it.

and the cabinets have been delivered!!

where have we been II??

swimming lessons....3 weeks worth...we are on our last has wreaked havoc on my exercising.....oh well. with todays 97 degree weather, there was no better place for us to be (other than a dark cave somewhere)

where have we been??

finishing up a GREAT tball season!! this year was so much better than last...real diamonds, dugouts, batting helmets, unis, coaching staff, etc!! Even better was the fact that Braden HAD FUN!! By the end of the "season" he started to "get-it"

Finley, on the other hand, would rather wade in the pool...fully dressed....Hi Nana!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

what a difference a year makes

August 25, 2008 FIRST day of Kindergarten
June 4th, 2009 LAST day of Kindergarten

He doesn't look too much older/bigger, but BOY is he SMARTER!!

guess who was here this weekend

and Kane, and Cole, and Aunt Shannon, and Uncle Steve, and Aunt Kari, and Uncle Rock aaaannnndddd their 177 lb dog Claddagh......

yem's birthday

This little lady luuuvs her "Auntie" Em (emily my sister). However, she has shortened it to A-Em which sounds like Yemm. Yemm believes she is a reincarnated Mexican....or that mom ate Mexican daily during her pregnancy with Em. So it was obvious where she requested her birthday dinner...."El Ranch" here in the 'burg...sorry Alyssa, we know your opinion of the place. Notice the flames of the candle's are the same color as the candle....pretty cool

Finley's dinner....rice....just rice

A tradition at "El Rance"....Birthday tequila shot. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEM!! Glad we could spend the day with you. :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009