We ventured to Sunny CHILLY Disney World the last week of our extended Christmas break. This time the Renfroe side of the family took part. My parents, sister and brother hadnt been to Disney world in 25 years (only Magic Kingdom)....so it basically was like a first time trip. The weather was pleasant during the day, think high sixtys with a breeze, and chilly at night, think 40s with wind. We walked and walked and walked and everyone did great. I think the Renfroes enjoyed their "first" trip to Disney and Finley asked me last week if we could go back after Valentines Day....um.......
The Disney Marathon was going on when we were there...that was kind of neat. Makes me want to whip my legs in shape so I could do the 1/2 marathon next year. BUUUUTTTT I doubt that will happen...3 miles is enough for me these days.
Here are just a few pictures. I have a large cache of them, however hate to bore you.