Saturday, November 3, 2007

Falling Leaves

While the temps here in Galesburg are still mild, 58 yesterday, I decided to get the garden cleaned up before the weather turned and it was nasty and cold. So while Finley napped, Braden and I set out to do just that. He was a great helper, picking up all the green and non mushy tomatoes that were on the ground and tossing them into the bucket. Once that daunting task was finished (boy do I feel much better) we set out to clear out some of the leaves in the driveway. There is no point in raking yet...still tons of leaves on the trees, but a nice line of leaves "piles" up against the edge of the driveway and they get brought into the house. So I was scooping them up into a yard waste bag and I went to sweep the porch, turned around and Braden was dumping them back out into a pile.....he had a ball, I was mad for 3 seconds and then just watched and remembered when a pile of leaves (and this pile wasn't that big) could keep you occupied for hours....aaahhh to be young again!


jord,ali,hal,kam and grae too! said...

ok Ms. Professional Photographer....I need lessons!!! Those pics are great!!! I especially love the first one with the leaf and the one of you above him. I quizzed Em on your camera etc. Sadly it seems that I just don't know how to make my camera do that!! :-)

jord,ali,hal,kam and grae too! said...
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Julie and Luke said...

Megan these pictures are beautiful! Wow! I love keeping up with yall through your blog! Julie (and Luke)