Sunday, April 19, 2009

house business

BIG DAY at the old house on Friday!! Sheet Rock was delivered, more insulation was delivered (finished insulating house/garage and now working on basement), bricklayers had a great day to work....75 degrees!! THE HOLE DEAL was there....yes they are installing the geothermal wells. Let me tell you...that is a crazy process and MESSY!! I think they got 6 of the 8 or 9 they will be back. Saturday, we drove over to the house to show Sean's parents the geothermal stuff...and the drywaller was hanging sheet rock!!!! The ceiling in my craft room (most important...ha!!), master bath and master closet was up and ready to roll.....THAT was exciting!

not sure if I have shown the front door....LOVE IT, especially from the inside!! It lets so much light in!! The actual door is solid, however the sidelights and transom above do the trick!

showing that the bricklayers have the garage finished and washed....this is an old picture. They are currently ALMOST done with the inset between the house and the garage on the south side. It is horribly wet now, thanks to the weekend rain (all day Sunday no less) so who knows when they will get there again.

Insualtion over the garage...different due to the fact there is no "attic" above...those black things are moisture trays.

pink cotton candy land

1 comment:

Dan Crowe said...

Hello Megan...

Dan Crowe from THE HOLE DEAL...Just thought I would comment. I did a google search ("The Hole Deal" Illinois), and your blog came up.

Great blog and I really appreciate the pictures of the geothermal loops going in! How is your geo working out? Is it preforming as you hoped? Any advice for other people possibly considering making the investment in geo?

Well I just thought I would say thanks for the advertising plugs with the pics. Please let me know if you ever have any questions or concerns.



Dan Crowe
The Hole Deal, Inc.
geothermal loop installation

Please join the Geothermal Alliance of Illinois @ 
Ask me for details about the organization!