Monday, September 28, 2009

dancing devil

So Fin's dance (tap) class is going well. It is 30 minutes a week and parents can only watch the last 5 minutes of the class. I am not sure how well she does (listening) because like all dance studios, there are mirrors EVERYWHERE. In typical 3 year old girl fashion, she enjoys her reflection in the mirror. I am not sure WHERE she gets that, right Mom? Anyway, they show us what they have learned that day at the end.....'Spunky Monkey'. I think in the last month they have learned 10 seconds of the dance....teee heeee heee. It is a nice time for me to chat with the other moms (at least 2 other Gale parents there), weed out my address book, clean out my purse, fill in my calendar, etc.

annnnnd, another favorite when we let her is watch DWTS. Last season I danced with her for EVERY SONG, which got tiring and wasn't condusive to accomplishing much. This season, she dances with Batman.....
and apparently is kissing him.....Sean and I have our work cut out for us.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Love this! She is so darn cute! What a peanut.