Monday, September 28, 2009

silly photos

can you guess who is who?
(braden, sean carrying a box on his shoulder, fin on my shoulders)

fin and i in the fun house mirror.

Tanner Pit Stop

Sean had a weekend off so we headed to Streator after we picked Brady up from school to see the Streator-LP game. We took a pit-stop at Tanners Orchard. It was super quiet....Friday at 5 is a nice time to visit!!

We did all the usual, just didn't show you the pics.....fed the goats/llamas, corn maze, tried all the samples, ignored the kids pleas to buy the fake stuffed kittys, played in the sand, on the plane, on the boat, etc....

and this room is alllllmmmmmooooost finished. Actually since this photo was taken, the sink was properly installed as well as the faucet. The backsplash was also tiled and grouted. All that needs to be done is second coat of paint on the trim and to install the washer and dryer...oh yeah, a good cleaning too.

dancing devil

So Fin's dance (tap) class is going well. It is 30 minutes a week and parents can only watch the last 5 minutes of the class. I am not sure how well she does (listening) because like all dance studios, there are mirrors EVERYWHERE. In typical 3 year old girl fashion, she enjoys her reflection in the mirror. I am not sure WHERE she gets that, right Mom? Anyway, they show us what they have learned that day at the end.....'Spunky Monkey'. I think in the last month they have learned 10 seconds of the dance....teee heeee heee. It is a nice time for me to chat with the other moms (at least 2 other Gale parents there), weed out my address book, clean out my purse, fill in my calendar, etc.

annnnnd, another favorite when we let her is watch DWTS. Last season I danced with her for EVERY SONG, which got tiring and wasn't condusive to accomplishing much. This season, she dances with Batman.....
and apparently is kissing him.....Sean and I have our work cut out for us.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Unknown to most of you....Sean was out of the country for 9 days. Way toooo long for me, however he had a great time, but was happy to be back home (so were we!!). He went to Ireland, how could he not have a great time? Here are some of his pictures. I am sure they are out of order, but wanted to share some of the beauty Ireland has to offer!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


well, the time has come. the time to see if braden enjoys football as much as his dad and grandad do. galesburg's jfl flag football division is for 1, 2 and 3rd graders. braden, being the 1st grader, was able to play, he said yes, we signed him up....he is BY far the smallest kid on the team and almost the "slowest" runner...he has NO stride, his legs are short. but, our 26 week 2 lb preemie is out there trying his best to keep up. he may not play again next year (who knows), but he is making us proud this year.
up-downs...i didn't do one of these till high school....
blocking...another first grader, luckily they are close in size

the first game we saw a lot of this.....

and more of this...those darn mouth pieces
So what about miss fin you might ask....well aside from LOVING preschool (she even asked if she could on Saturday) she is starting dance (pre-tap....we didn't think she was the ballet type...) today. i just hope they dont let parents in because I will be CRACKING UP!!!

exactly how cute are these???? smallest size Payless (thank god) had

they are asked to wear "proper" dance attire

heaven help me

now THIS is how i would expect her dancing to she referred to her legs ALL afternoon....i've got "LOCO LEGS"