Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I am here to confess some things that you may not know about me. I think you all need to write your own confessions too… no. I am not a priest. But this could be interesting. Got the idea on a blog I saw, forgive me for forgetting the name!

Bring on the confessions!

- I am not a patient person. I yell at my computer often, and refrain from yelling a lot. Sometimes I think steam will come out of my ears. Scary thought!

- I don’t like my impatience one bit.

- I love vacations/getaways, however hate the chaos that is packing and unpacking....

- I still think we need vacations, but maybe just over weekends as in short getaways. ;)

- My husband has the best smelling deodorant, and I tell him his armpits smell good every time we snuggle......Yes I am dead serious. Although he tells me that I would be singing a different tune on his last trip to Ireland.

- I think Facebook is great, but it can be like high school all over again. Drama, gossip, etc. I didn’t like high school.

- When my kids, parents or other sensitive ears aren’t around I cuss like a sailor.

- I like to cuss, it is so second nature that sometimes I don't realize I do it.

- Speaking of second nature, am I the only one that changes lanes and then cant remember if I looked in the rearview mirror because it is such a habit?

-I am still trying to decide what to do when I grow up.....

-I wish I could be more disciplined in the diet arena, anyone know of any 'tips'?

- I do not like politics one bit. At all.....period.

- I love hearing my husband talk about stuff. He has this huge cache of knowledge in his much I am amazed that he remembers the little things, like what night trash night is.

- I dont go to church......regularly. I like church, I do, I just feel like I need to go to church for the sins I commit during church......i.e., not concentrating on church.

- Im not a fan of overly judgmental people, insects or squishy tomatoes.

- I am a girly girl. I enjoy shopping for shoes and makeup. For they always fit ;)

- I have actually been reading a series of books and CANNOT get through the first chapter of the last book.....seriously, I am almost there!

- I love flip flops. I would wear them 365 days a year, however they do nasty things to my feet.

- My favorite sound in the universe is my children's laughs

- I have craft ADD

- I love blog comments, and wish I had more time to leave a comment on all of your blogs!

- My mom and sister are two of the greatest ladies I know.

- I think this confessions post is getting a bit long!

- I can count my TRUE friends on one hand, and that includes my this a good thing or bad thing?

-I could be termed a Hermit.

-If my uterus would allow, I would have another child in a heartbeat....but not taking that chance.

- I love New York City. I wouldn't want to live there, but it is a great place to visit!! Love the city!

- I am an easy going person.

- I have a reeealllyyy hard time saying 'no' to people....which lends me to be pulled in 70 different directions any given day.

- I love my job :)

What are some FYI's about you that we may want to know??

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of School

So not sure what the format is here.....regardless....District 205 started today, a week earlier than previous years and thankfully the weather "broke" and it is only in the 80's.

Braden is the big 2nd grader and Finley is in her second year of pre-school. Both were excited and ready to roll!!
We will see how the week fares and I'll report back later. Its only the first day.