Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I am here to confess some things that you may not know about me. I think you all need to write your own confessions too… no. I am not a priest. But this could be interesting. Got the idea on a blog I saw, forgive me for forgetting the name!

Bring on the confessions!

- I am not a patient person. I yell at my computer often, and refrain from yelling a lot. Sometimes I think steam will come out of my ears. Scary thought!

- I don’t like my impatience one bit.

- I love vacations/getaways, however hate the chaos that is packing and unpacking....

- I still think we need vacations, but maybe just over weekends as in short getaways. ;)

- My husband has the best smelling deodorant, and I tell him his armpits smell good every time we snuggle......Yes I am dead serious. Although he tells me that I would be singing a different tune on his last trip to Ireland.

- I think Facebook is great, but it can be like high school all over again. Drama, gossip, etc. I didn’t like high school.

- When my kids, parents or other sensitive ears aren’t around I cuss like a sailor.

- I like to cuss, it is so second nature that sometimes I don't realize I do it.

- Speaking of second nature, am I the only one that changes lanes and then cant remember if I looked in the rearview mirror because it is such a habit?

-I am still trying to decide what to do when I grow up.....

-I wish I could be more disciplined in the diet arena, anyone know of any 'tips'?

- I do not like politics one bit. At all.....period.

- I love hearing my husband talk about stuff. He has this huge cache of knowledge in his much I am amazed that he remembers the little things, like what night trash night is.

- I dont go to church......regularly. I like church, I do, I just feel like I need to go to church for the sins I commit during church......i.e., not concentrating on church.

- Im not a fan of overly judgmental people, insects or squishy tomatoes.

- I am a girly girl. I enjoy shopping for shoes and makeup. For they always fit ;)

- I have actually been reading a series of books and CANNOT get through the first chapter of the last book.....seriously, I am almost there!

- I love flip flops. I would wear them 365 days a year, however they do nasty things to my feet.

- My favorite sound in the universe is my children's laughs

- I have craft ADD

- I love blog comments, and wish I had more time to leave a comment on all of your blogs!

- My mom and sister are two of the greatest ladies I know.

- I think this confessions post is getting a bit long!

- I can count my TRUE friends on one hand, and that includes my this a good thing or bad thing?

-I could be termed a Hermit.

-If my uterus would allow, I would have another child in a heartbeat....but not taking that chance.

- I love New York City. I wouldn't want to live there, but it is a great place to visit!! Love the city!

- I am an easy going person.

- I have a reeealllyyy hard time saying 'no' to people....which lends me to be pulled in 70 different directions any given day.

- I love my job :)

What are some FYI's about you that we may want to know??


Sarah and Kieran said...

I have some of the same issues, like having a hard time saying "no," cussing like a sailor, and loving NYC... And I am reading the 3rd book of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series and I am struggling with it, even though the first 2 were a breeze...

Kari said...

You made me smile, laugh and get a little teary. You're probably not surprised that I could copy and paste SEVERAL of your "confessions" onto my list.

Jen said...

I swear like a sailor, too. It's my one really bad habit...that and I have no patience!

Shannon said...

I love the list, Mo. Confessions...mmmm. I have a very difficult time trusting people which leads me to be a private person as far as what is really going inside my head. I so want to open a bakery, I would quit my job in a heartbeat if I could do this, especially with my sister in law. I am a complete insomoniac, it terrifies me to go to sleep. I am a huge worrier, and feel guilty all the time about transferring that anxiety onto my oldest son. My family is my entire life. I pray the rosary three times a day. I often long for time to stand still. I am a control freak when it comes to the laundry, which is so strange because I really don't enjoy doing it very much. I am a girly girl who is slowing fading away due to the amount of males that live in my house. I am a sugar fiend. You can never have enough sweets in my opinion. I have low self-esteem, which is dumb and I know it, but it doesn't change anything. I am the worst blogger in the world. But I long to be the best, knowing full well I will never make it there. I tend to be the person waiting for the other shoe to drop. I love reality shows. I love my life.

Nic said...

Great List....I will work on mine!