Here is another one.....the kids ALWAYS stop what they are doing when this one comes on....I just crack up at that kid...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Baking cookies
Here is our attempt at sugar cookies...if you were lucky to get one of these....they were FULL of sprinkles
Birthday Party and More
We hosted a Christmas/Birthday Party for some of my sisters friends. We included the kids and occupied them with a craft....all in all it went well, no broken bones or spilled milk!
Bella and a LITTLE too much glue....

Notice the the girls in the picture...Fin is crying, Em is freaking, Bella is hiding and Halle is, well, rockin'

This is a few pics from a Brunch with Santa we attended...Braden is chasing Finley and she loves it!

This is a few pics from a Brunch with Santa we attended...Braden is chasing Finley and she loves it!

Sorry for the time between posts...we have been way busy!! Here are a few random pics.
Here is Braden helping his Dad fill the tote bags for the nurses in Pre-op/Post-op for Christmas. We are delivering them tomorrow so it is safe to post. Notice the no pants....he was quite the good help regardless
Monday, December 10, 2007
You Tube
I rarely EVER get on You Tube...not something that I think about. However, when I see a commercial and love it, I will try to find are two of my favorite commercials and this kid that was on ellen last week. gotta love Will Ferrel totally will be Brady at school kinda long...he starts singing at 3:00...all I can say is woah.....
Enjoy!! gotta love Will Ferrel totally will be Brady at school kinda long...he starts singing at 3:00...all I can say is woah.....
Monday, December 3, 2007
Halloween in December
I cannot believe I am telling you this.....the home we are living in currently sometimes gets a bat in the attic. It is a known fact. I have to confess that I always laugh at the stories of the bats when they are told. My first encounter, been coming to this house since 1991, came last year in August (06). When telling that one it is funny too. I am a little creeped out by it so I try not to go into the attic. Well with Christmas around, in order to decorate, you need to go to the attic to get the decorations. Meme went up there on Sunday to take a chair upstairs and she said there was not a sign of bats....JINX!!!!!!
About 3:30 am Mondaymorn/Sunday eve I woke to a fluttering repetitive sound....barely opened my eyes and could see something circling above....BAT...was my first thought. I quickly covered my head and woke Sean who immediately knew what was happening.....
This is what my brave, handsome prince said...."what do we do?". How the hell was I supposed to know?
So it is a long story....quite funny now....and if you want to know it email me and I will tell ya. Basically it left our room and went into Bradens room....THAT scared the bejesus out of me...he slept through the whole thing thankfully. It ended up Sean was able to swat at it out of Brady's room into the landing, it hit the mirror and landed on a blanket. He threw the towel on it then we carefully carried the blanket,bat,towel and rubbermaid lid on top to the side door and tossed. We never saw the bat leave or on the ground......we searched the house then again and are assuming it flew away when we tossed the bundle.......
Needless to say, I didnt get back to sleep very easily. No I did not take this picture.

The bad news is....we have to take the empty decoration boxes back to the attic, tonight...............
I know a Hall of Famer!!
Also over the Thanksgiving weekend, besides eating, getting up in the pitch dark on Friday with Steve and Shannon to go on a secret mission (this is "ridiculous"), gingerbread houses and celebrating Uncle Rock's birthday....Mr. Kane, a.k.a Coach Kane or Grandad, was inducted into the Galesburg High School Athletic Hall of Fame. He was a football coach at the high school for 10 years with a fabulous record. He was chosen to be inducted this year for his accomplishments, we are so proud and excited for him!!
All of us in the library, pre-induction.

Here is our attempt to get a grandchildren picture for Meme and was FREEZING!! The boys cooperated, but Diva Finley clearly did not.
Some of the kids at the game....thought is was a funny pic....

All of us in the library, pre-induction.

The 2nd Annual Gingerbread House Construction Party
Last year we gathered at our friends the Footes to make these great Gingerbread Houses....we had so much fun we did it again this year. We were even smarter...we (Nana and Auntie Em) constructed the house the night before so they were nice and solid and all we had to do was to decorate them....

Clearly they just ate their way through the evening....notice BOTH children have puffy cheeks
Bradens house

All in all it was a blast...between Ed and Les at a quaint table by themselves, Fritz enjoying the wine and Meghan Fields getting way technical on her house....we hope to do it again next year!! Hey if our house is finished I will volunteer it for the bet.

Thanksgiving 2007
So this year we spent Thanksgiving at the Kane's house (our temporary home). But the cool part was that my parents, sister and brother, and grandma were there too. Steve, Shannon's (Sean's sister)husband, had his parents there as well. It was great!! It turned out to be a fabulous Thanksgiving, all the kids got along, all the food was ready on time, everyone was healthy...the only thing that basically put a damper on the festivities was this....RIGHT as we were getting ready to eat Sean got called out....such the life of the Doctor, not as glamorous as you thought. He did make it back as we were finishing, so he didn't have to eat at the table alone.
Braden and Kane....thankful for each other
Finley, Braden, Kane and Cole...thankful for their health

Shannon and Emily....thankful for their friendship and unconditional love

My family and my sister and brother...thankful for the fact that they are who they are and that is perfect
Table A....
The boys, the little ones napped through dinner, peaceful. Yes they are eating hot dogs, turkey ones....ha ha ha
Table B
Table B
The food....we could feed an army....turkey, ham, potatoes, sweet potatoes, dumplin's, stuffing, green bean casserole, asparagus casserole, pretzel salad, cranberry stuff X2, homemade rolls, raw veggies and fruit. And of course black olives...a Burgland tradition that I am trying to have catch on....
The desserts....again way too much....cookies (3 kinds) pumpkin torte, pumpkin turtle pie, pumpkin pie, pecan pie....and all the coolwhip you could want.

Shannon and Emily....thankful for their friendship and unconditional love

My family and my sister and brother...thankful for the fact that they are who they are and that is perfect

Diego Mouse and Pancakes
Long blog....SORRY.
I looked into the tv/playroom and this is what I saw.....
Our kids LOVE pancakes...McDonalds Pancakes, Microwave pancakes, pancakes for breakfast and pancakes for dinner and especially homemade pancakes (so we can make shapes and put chocolate chips in them). So here we are making pancakes....
Fin's even in on the action
Eating RAW pancake batter (no eggs)...she is truely a Kane, they all eat raw dough...not just cookie dough....pie dough, biscuit dough and apparently pancake batter.

I looked into the tv/playroom and this is what I saw.....

Saturday, November 3, 2007
Falling Leaves
While the temps here in Galesburg are still mild, 58 yesterday, I decided to get the garden cleaned up before the weather turned and it was nasty and cold. So while Finley napped, Braden and I set out to do just that. He was a great helper, picking up all the green and non mushy tomatoes that were on the ground and tossing them into the bucket. Once that daunting task was finished (boy do I feel much better) we set out to clear out some of the leaves in the driveway. There is no point in raking yet...still tons of leaves on the trees, but a nice line of leaves "piles" up against the edge of the driveway and they get brought into the house. So I was scooping them up into a yard waste bag and I went to sweep the porch, turned around and Braden was dumping them back out into a pile.....he had a ball, I was mad for 3 seconds and then just watched and remembered when a pile of leaves (and this pile wasn't that big) could keep you occupied for hours....aaahhh to be young again!

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