So this year we spent Thanksgiving at the Kane's house (our temporary home). But the cool part was that my parents, sister and brother, and grandma were there too. Steve, Shannon's (Sean's sister)husband, had his parents there as well. It was great!! It turned out to be a fabulous Thanksgiving, all the kids got along, all the food was ready on time, everyone was healthy...the only thing that basically put a damper on the festivities was this....RIGHT as we were getting ready to eat Sean got called out....such the life of the Doctor, not as glamorous as you thought. He did make it back as we were finishing, so he didn't have to eat at the table alone.
Braden and Kane....thankful for each other

Finley, Braden, Kane and Cole...thankful for their health

Shannon and Emily....thankful for their friendship and unconditional love

My family and my sister and brother...thankful for the fact that they are who they are and that is perfect

Table A....

The boys, the little ones napped through dinner, peaceful. Yes they are eating hot dogs, turkey ones....ha ha ha

Table B

Table B

The food....we could feed an army....turkey, ham, potatoes, sweet potatoes, dumplin's, stuffing, green bean casserole, asparagus casserole, pretzel salad, cranberry stuff X2, homemade rolls, raw veggies and fruit. And of course black olives...a Burgland tradition that I am trying to have catch on....

The desserts....again way too much....cookies (3 kinds) pumpkin torte, pumpkin turtle pie, pumpkin pie, pecan pie....and all the coolwhip you could want.

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