Sunday, September 16, 2007

My New Job

As you may or may not know, my sister Emily has a jewelry business. She does a lot of bead work in necklaces/bracelets/earrings. She is having a huge trunk show at the end of October and she has enlisted my help. So I am now officially a sweat shop worker. She is a slave driver....and we work in such poor conditions....our moms house, while she's on a long weekend away!!! Here are the beads in the mayhem before they turn into masterpieces. If anyone is interested, her trunk show is the 28th of October at Cooks and Company in Downtown Galesburg. She also has a website, however all the new stuff isn't on there it out!!

A little helper....

Stitches, Brocolli and Tigers

For the THIRD time in 2 months, Braden has wacked himself in the head and has had to "head" to the hospital. This time he was at school, no parents around, so no dcfs (Ha Ha). I was away from my phone (exercising) so they contacted Dad and they took him to the ED at Cottage. This laceration is where his first one was....we decided that it was superficial enough to use dermabond, or glue, and no stitches.....please ignore the messy mouth

She has a MOUTHFUL of brocolli.....
No I didn't stage this photo....Braden is obsessed with Tigers and wants to be one for Halloween....we are searching for costumes and the first one we got and didn't like...Finley loved it. So here they are both wearing a tiger costume watching Calliou.....

Such good siblings....

Monday, September 10, 2007

Friday Night Lights

The Kane family headed to Streator Illinois Friday afternoon for a home Bulldog football game. For those of you who don't know, Grandad (Sean's dad), is the Head Football Coach at Streator High School. Because Sean is on call most days and he had Friday off call it was the best day for us to see a game. Let me tell you it was HOT!! Not just warm hot it was muggy, sticky HOT. There were mosquitos biting mosquitos, I actually smushed one on Finley's face. The kids were least Braden was....the Bulldogs won which made the mugginess worth it!!

Watching the game from the goal post...knowing the Coach does have its advantages!!
She is obsessed with this bulldog...she wanders over there to touch it nonstop

Is is time for bed yet????

Yes she acknowledges touchdowns....for both teams

Checkin out the guys after halftime

Go Grandad!!! picture taking skills were pitiful that evening...I need to read up on night/action/flash shots....This one is particularly funny...notice how the boys faces are in focus, but nothing else is??? Doesn't Kane look like he is "Dash" from the Incredibles????

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Circus

Ok, we went to the circus last weekend with Shannon (Sean's sister) and her family....we also celebrated Shannon's 21st (ha ha ha) birthday!! Thankfully she has a blog and documented the glorious event....feel free to check out her blog for the pictures!!!
.....yes I am being LAZY!!.....

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Labor Day

So Labor Day officially marks the end of summer, right???? We attended the Labor Day parade in downtown Galesburg and it was maybe 90 degrees, summer appears to want to stay for awhile. The kids got flags, candy and sunburns. Poor Finley, who doesnt regulate her heat well, was just pink. Not from the sun, just from the heat. Sitting on the curb of an asphalt street didn't help!!

Finley loved the bands
And the Gadets!!
Our friend, Coach Reed, enjoying the parade...he didnt move from this spot. Actually a local news station featured the Galesburg parade on the television and Mark was on there...just like this, even funnier....they had me on their too....aaahh!!!
So after the parade, we grabbed a drink and headed to the pool for the closing day. What a perfect day for the pool. It was hot, but not humid, not a cloud in the sky, the water was perfectly refreshing and everyone was in great spirits!! About an hour into swimming we decided it was time for lunch and headed over to the tables. Braden, wrapped in a towel from head to toe, tripped going up some concrete stairs and landed on his chin, splitting it open and requiring a trip, yet again, to the hospital for stitches. That ended our perfect pool day short and was anubrupt halt to the summer at the pool. We cant wait till next year!! Hopefully there will be no stitches and ear infections!!

Braden just figured out he can touch on the tips of his year he will definately touch!!

Braden's favorite swimming buddy

We hope you all enjoyed your it is on to FALL. Fall for us is filled with FOOTBALL, playing outdoors more (not so hot or buggy), raking lots of leaves, Halloween (sean's favorite), getting back into the swing of school, the scenic drive and smelling the smells of Fall....I just love it!!