Sunday, September 16, 2007

Stitches, Brocolli and Tigers

For the THIRD time in 2 months, Braden has wacked himself in the head and has had to "head" to the hospital. This time he was at school, no parents around, so no dcfs (Ha Ha). I was away from my phone (exercising) so they contacted Dad and they took him to the ED at Cottage. This laceration is where his first one was....we decided that it was superficial enough to use dermabond, or glue, and no stitches.....please ignore the messy mouth

She has a MOUTHFUL of brocolli.....
No I didn't stage this photo....Braden is obsessed with Tigers and wants to be one for Halloween....we are searching for costumes and the first one we got and didn't like...Finley loved it. So here they are both wearing a tiger costume watching Calliou.....

Such good siblings....

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