Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So last year I posted my fave Christmastime commercial.....Will Ferrel as Santa spouting off Christmas tunes.....

This year I have a new favorite and it is terribly cute. It is totally something that could and may happen sometime at our house.

Check it out HERE

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our 2008 Christmas Card

Well I tried to post a link to our card. It said I could blog it, however it takes you to a sign in page, so that didn't work. Then I tried the crazy hyperlink thingy and that did the same if you are on my christmas card list you will have to wait to see it. If would like a christmas card, send me your address via comments and I would gladly send ya one. Don't worry, the pictures arent anything you are going to ooooh and aaaah over......

I put Sean and I on it for the first time EVER!!!!! I don't recall ever sending a Christmas card with our picture. I figure some people would wonder what Sean and I looked like these days. Not my blog regulars.....those people we never see...
Sorry for the lack of posts...I've (we've) been SUPER busy with "stuff" and of course with the holidays fast approaching and our upcoming trip to Las Vegas....the blog is suffering.

House news....all the windows and glass doors are in. We have temporary steel "construction" doors where the actual front, side and back door will be. We have stairs to the basement and they are working on the stairs to the rooms above the garage. The garage floor is poured and the cabinet peeps are coming tomorrow or Friday for another measuring session...The front 3 dormers are incomplete due to the snow that has arrived in the midwest....hopefully it will clear for a few days enough to let them get that finished so they can concentrate on the inside of the house over the winter.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Reverse Applique

If you read my previous post about the Turkey Shirt here is another shirt I made for Miss Finley. She is going to wear it on her birthday next month!!

The possibilites are endless!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Windows have arrived!!

So Tuesday morning a Pella truck pulled up and dropped off our windows, including a 400 pound window/door combination that is in the kitchen (backside). They guys feverishly worked to get the North side windows in.....then it snowed more today.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Here is LUCY.......freshly groomed, lookin' pretty!!

It's Sean and Megan on the couch at my moms.....see Sean, you are on the Blog!!

A Little Craftiness

I purchased an elf apron (child's size) from Kmart and embroidered the kids names on cute. Oddly enough, the apron looks easy enough to make, but I will take a shortcut wherever I can.
This is a "reverse" applique of a hand turkey. It is actually the kids hand....turned out waay cute (hard to tell in photos) and both kids wore them on Thanksgiving. I am working on a similar one for Finley for her "3rd" birthday.

The First Snow

Sunday we woke to 8:00......we ALL were outside in full on snow gear by 8:30. It was the perfect packing snow, however there were only like 2 inches. We did it all....snowball fight, snowman, snowball maker thing, sledding, shoveling......

Waiting patiently at the FRONT of the car for Daddy.....

He is sooooo sneaky, he came out BEHIND the car!!!!

Starting of the Snowman.....

Our Angel making an Angel

So my attempt at a "self portrait" of the 4 of us and the snowman didn't work...however it is the only picture of the snowman I have....

The Coziness of Christmas

So one of the best things about the Holiday Season is the coziness that consumes the house. There is such a homey feeling of the glow of the Christmas tree lights....both Sean and I love to turn everyother light off except for the Christmas decorations that light up. However, it does take longer to get to bed at night, wandering around turning EVERYTHING off.

I have to give props to was his idea to attach the "believe" sign to the wreath instead of hanging it elsewhere....

the new tree....teee heee has 1500 lights on it....

Here are a few of our "Marshmallow"

I can't wait for the "teen" years.....

So our youngest, Finley, will be 3 in January. She is a through and through stubborn stinker, sneaky cat, miss priss....but is the best squeeeeezzzzeee hugger in the world. For all her antics, I wouldn't trade her for ANYTHING!!

Here are some randoms of her and her antics.....

Eating the candy BEFORE we could get it on the house.....and she is STILL sneaking candy off the houses....I should take an after picture. She snagged all the "spree" candies that were lining the roof.....
This is her....."hee hee, im doing something im not supposed to be doing" face. She is getting into her aunts beads......

Now when we ask her to smile it is this goofy crooked smile and her eyes dart in the opposite direction....
Or yells.....

And when she is mad or sad she pouts....usually on the bottom step. Can you find her in the picture.
Today in the car she asked for something.....
I say "Just a minute Dear"
she replies "Im not a Deer, Momma, Im a GIRRRRRRL"

Monday, December 1, 2008

Want to hear a great Christmas song.....take Canon in D (common in weddings, including mine) and add beautiful children's voices....

Christmas Canon
