Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our 2008 Christmas Card

Well I tried to post a link to our card. It said I could blog it, however it takes you to a sign in page, so that didn't work. Then I tried the crazy hyperlink thingy and that did the same if you are on my christmas card list you will have to wait to see it. If would like a christmas card, send me your address via comments and I would gladly send ya one. Don't worry, the pictures arent anything you are going to ooooh and aaaah over......

I put Sean and I on it for the first time EVER!!!!! I don't recall ever sending a Christmas card with our picture. I figure some people would wonder what Sean and I looked like these days. Not my blog regulars.....those people we never see...
Sorry for the lack of posts...I've (we've) been SUPER busy with "stuff" and of course with the holidays fast approaching and our upcoming trip to Las Vegas....the blog is suffering.

House news....all the windows and glass doors are in. We have temporary steel "construction" doors where the actual front, side and back door will be. We have stairs to the basement and they are working on the stairs to the rooms above the garage. The garage floor is poured and the cabinet peeps are coming tomorrow or Friday for another measuring session...The front 3 dormers are incomplete due to the snow that has arrived in the midwest....hopefully it will clear for a few days enough to let them get that finished so they can concentrate on the inside of the house over the winter.


1 comment:

Nic said...

I feel like a dork...but I LOVE getting everyone's Christmas Cards. I would love yours too. This year our mail is a I wonder how many will be lost in "the big black mail hole." I will email you my address.