Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I can't wait for the "teen" years.....

So our youngest, Finley, will be 3 in January. She is a through and through stubborn stinker, sneaky cat, miss priss....but is the best squeeeeezzzzeee hugger in the world. For all her antics, I wouldn't trade her for ANYTHING!!

Here are some randoms of her and her antics.....

Eating the candy BEFORE we could get it on the house.....and she is STILL sneaking candy off the houses....I should take an after picture. She snagged all the "spree" candies that were lining the roof.....
This is her....."hee hee, im doing something im not supposed to be doing" face. She is getting into her aunts beads......

Now when we ask her to smile it is this goofy crooked smile and her eyes dart in the opposite direction....
Or yells.....

And when she is mad or sad she pouts....usually on the bottom step. Can you find her in the picture.
Today in the car she asked for something.....
I say "Just a minute Dear"
she replies "Im not a Deer, Momma, Im a GIRRRRRRL"


Kari said...

AWWW - she is SO cute!! And funny! I can totally hear her saying that.

Anonymous said...

Little Miss Finley is way too cute!!! -MDB