Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Finley, perfect timing, fell asleep about an hour before we were to leave. This is how I found her....OUT on top of all the sofa pillows and a toy smushed up on her face. Once she woke, sweaty mess, she decided she didnt want to be Jasmine....she wanted to be a Groovy Girl (costume I bought AFTER Halloween last year for dress up)....Go figure.

Not bad accessorizing on the fly....

Not GI Joe...Army Guy

After Trick or Treating...Heading home. I was Velma and Sean was a Pirate (pretty authentic looking)

Quick Trip to visit Grandma!! (In hospital recovering from a broken Humerus)

House we visited last year with a cool candy dispenser talking thingy on the porch...

It was a perfect cool, crisp Halloween Night.

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