Saturday, December 18, 2010

annual gingerbread houses

We continued the tradition...actually we thought we could bypass it this year, buuuuuttttttt, Miss Finley reminded us we hadn't done it yet. Now, please know the kids start out strong ... about get one half of the roof done.... and decide there is other things to do which leaves us adults to finish the creation. Finley reminding us probably means that she wanted them around to eat the candy off of them. Last year she would pick a piece off each time she walked by....
Maddie and Emily working on Finleys
Finley at least hung around when she was "finished"...decided stacking Starbursts was more interesting...
The finished products. Marshmallow (our trusty elf) decided to land there this a.m. Finley's is in the foreground and Braden's is in the background.....wonder if we will do this again next year??

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