Thursday, July 31, 2008


Minor Progress at the house....the floor joists (trusses) were delivered as well as some posts for the basement (burgandy). The builder dropped off the scaffolding to start if they would just START

We are still obsessed with Kung Fu Panda.

I got all Organized on myself and my endless pile of ribbon....I purchased two wooden CD cases and a dowel rod from Jo Anns. I then drilled holes in each end for the dowel rod. There is a hole out the bottom of the case where the ribbon is dispensed.....I just need to peel off the stickers and it will be complete....key fob anyone?


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to see the progress on the house.

Those masks are CREEPY!

Way to go on the ribbon dispenser - very creative!
Kari :)

Sarah and Kieran said...

soooo! creative. i have nothing. no ounce of creativity in my body. amazing. :) i love reading your blog, btw, to see the next creative thing you're doing.


Sharing the Blessings said...
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Sharing the Blessings said...

LOVE the ribbon dispenser- so ingenious you are!

Anonymous said...

Love the ribbon dispenser and my new key fob! THX! -MDB