Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Pre Holiday Trip to Las Vegas

Call us crazy....My inlaws (minus Casey and Kari) headed to Las Vegas to celebrate my father in laws 60th birthday. Both he and his wife had never been, so it seemed like a great thing to do for his Birthday. We had a great time!! 3 nights, 3 shows, great food, some gambling, some shopping, loooottttsss of walking and laughing. We saw Beatles Love, The Jersey Boys and Chris Angel. All 3 were different, and all 3 were great. The weather was chilly...40 degrees, but perfect for our purposes. We got back to Illinois on Tuesday the 23rd....and we hit the ground RUNNING!!!!

Shannon tells me she never wins, so we had to document a winning slot ticket.

We stayed at the Mirage in a 2 bedroom suite. There was an additional (3rd) bathroom, so that made it PERFECT for 6 adults to stay at. I won't bore you with the other pictures, but this is a picture of the MASTER BATHROOM...........just an idea of where we were.

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