Saturday, January 12, 2008


Sports do you get to be a fan? I don't think I am a die-hard fan of any team. I will always be a Bear Fan, however don't know all the team players or stats... I barely even know their record and probably never will. I am a Cub fan because I am afraid if I don't root for the Cubbies my sister will hurt me. Yes, I always fear pain from my sister; ha ha (inside joke). I am a Yankee fan by default...husband is a Yankee fan and they do have cute players. But if I am alone and the Yanks are on TV, I wouldn't know it. Sean is also a Patriots fan...I too am one...I like Belichek, call me crazy....but again not a die hard fan. I used to be a fan of a team because I liked their outfits, I mean uniforms (Bucs) or a cute quarterback ( I have a thing for quarterbacks; again--another inside joke). When we lived in a town with a NFL and MLB team I was a fan...GO BENGALS. But since we have moved I know NOTHING about the Bengals.
So here we are in the playoffs.....I am sooo rooting for the Patriots and Colts (I like Tony Dungee and Manning) and am also rooting for the Packers. I know, I know, how can you root for the Packers if you are a Bear Fan? That goes back to the whole cute quarterback thing, but not the cute unis thing (yikes). How can you not like Brett Favre? I mean, he was HORRIBLE last year and this year is seemingly unstoppable. Plus they are like the Bears rivals so if the Bears cant go to the superbowl you somoetimes root for the rival, right?
So today during the game vs. the Seahawks we had Braden wearing his Packer Jersey that his Uncle Rock got him last year for Christmas....Braden thought we were going to a real game....he asked if he could go on the field after the game...........

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