Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to Braden

February 10th Braden turned 5!!!!! We celebrated his birthday on Saturday with a dinner/cake with his family. He wanted a animal theme AGAIN, so we went with it!! He wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting as his cake and mashed potatoes and bread & butter for his dinner. Well we decided that we couldn't just have cake and we added fried chicken and my Aunt Mary's Garbage Salad. He had a great night and was so glad everyone was there!!

For those of you who DON'T know, Braden was born 13 weeks preematurely. He was born at 26 weeks, weighing exactly 2 pounds and was 12 inches long. He spent 4 months in the hospital and came home on oxygen. He is amazing and is the strongest little boy I know. Listening to him, looking at him and living with him, you would never know the start he had, and believe me....he had a busy start full of every infection known to man, blood transfusions, eye surgeries, ventilators, cpap, cannulas, ivs everywhere, feeding tubes, isolation, broken ribs, codes, spinal taps, kidney failure, pneumonia, just to name a few......thank you for all your prayers. Our family would not be the same if he was not a part of it!! Happy 5th Birthday Braden!! We Love you So!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Braden!