Friday, October 10, 2008

Mallory and Misc.

Our new niece Mallory Shannon Kane came for a visit to Illinois last week. Here are a few pictures and there are more from the visit at Kari's blog HERE.

Yes we know she has TONS of hair!!!! She is 3 weeks to the day in this picture (born Sept 11) and is just over 8 pounds. She is a great baby and Kari called me today to say she slept from 11-5 last night.....L.U.C.K.Y.!! (i've been corrected.....11-6)

Finley thought she was the cat's meow or the bee's knees.
The house last week....


Kari said...

Ooh-I love the look on Mallory's face in that first pic! And...I hate to be sassy, but she slept from 11-6am :)

Kari said...

Okay...and CUTE new picture of Brady and Fin sitting on the steps! We miss them already...

Anonymous said...

Love the new pic of Branden and Finley! Too cute. -MDB

The Story of the Murphys said...

Hi! I didn't know you guys had a blog too! I found it from Casey's Blog! I loved hearing from you and Em. I saw your mom and her at my Dads retirement party at the club. Your kiddos are getting so big! Love the pumpkin tshirts you made!